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Advanced Architecting on AWS
This course covers how to build complex solutions that incorporate data services, governance, and security on AWS.
AgilePM Foundation
Learn how to flex and deliver projects rapidly to meet your customer needs in this 3-days official agile project management course.
Alibaba Cloud Computing
This course prepares for you to attempt the ACA Cloud Computing Certification and covers the core products from computing, storage, networki ...
AMA : Achieving Leadership Success Through People
Achieve Leadership Success Through People. Learn Leadership Theories. Define Leadership Traits and Characteristics.
AMA : Selling To Major Accounts – A Strategic Approach
learn how to develop a strategic selling plan that will save you time, money and hassles by identifying the right account and project, why y ...
AMA : Territory And Time Management For Salespeople
Understand Your Personal Territory and Time Management Practices and How They Affect Your Performance. Learn Strategies For Planning and Goa ...
AMA's 5-day "MBA" Workshop
How You Do Business Is Changing Fast. Learn What's Leadership. Learn Finance Managing. Learn Management Skills. Be MBA.
AMA: Advanced Tools and Techniques for Data Analysis
Analyze Data and Learn Business Intelligence Tools - Explore Excel Data Analysis - Explore Data Analytics for Cleansing Of Data with BI Tool ...
AMA: Building Better Work Relationships: New Techniques For Results-Oriented Communication
From this course, you’ll find your relationship style, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and master the winning tactics to work harmon ...
AMA: Coaching: A Strategic Tool for Effective Leadership
This hands-on course gives them to you—from analyzing the cause of subpar performance to creating a climate for effective employee coaching ...
AMA: Communicating Across Generations: Bridging the Gap
This seminar will help you develop a dynamic communication style that will help you handle generational differences. Enhancing your communic ...
AMA: Communicating Up, Down and Across the Organization
You’ll focus on improving communication skills and competencies necessary to build mutual understanding and connectivity with others, regard ...
AMA: Creative Thinking in Business
Explore New Idea for Business - Learn Creative Thinking and Idea Generation. Develop Thinking as a Skill. Be a Design Thinker.
AMA: Design Thinking: A Customer-Centric Process for Rapid Innovation
Improve An Organizational Structure. Manage Innovation. Create Ideas For Product Innovation. Learn Design Thinking.
AMA: Doing It All: How To Stay Focused And Engaged
You will learn tools that help you get into productive flow whenever you need to and how to get back on track when you are thrown off course ...
AMA: Finance and Accounting for Non-Financial Managers
Learn how to think finance, and you’ll expand your career opportunities. This program for non-financial managers makes the basics of finance ...
AMA: Finding Common Ground: How To Overcome Unconscious Bias
Is unconscious bias hurting? This course will help you understand bias, discover practical strategies that can help avoid bias and leverage ...
AMA: Managing The “Unmanageable” - Tough People, Tough Situation
Manage Tough People and Tough Situation - Learn Managing In Crisis. Reduce Stress In The Workplace.
AMA: Recruiting, Interviewing and Selecting Employees
Questions To Ask As The Interviewer. Learn The Recruitment Method and Interviewing Process. Explore Skill For Interview.
Amazon SageMaker Studio for Data Scientists
In this course you will learn to use Amazon SageMaker Studio to boost productivity at every step of the ML lifecycle.
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