

Big Data & Machine Learning Fundamentals

Date: 31 October 2024

Mode: Live Virtual (VILT/TH)

Time: 9.00AM - 5.00PM , Register, please fill up the google form below. 

This one-day instructor-led course will introduce you to Google Cloud's big data and machine learning functions. You'll begin with a

quick overview of Google Cloud and then dive deeper into its data processing capabilities. Through a combination of presentations,

demos, and hands-on labs, participants get an overview of the Google Cloud platform and a detailed view of the data processing and

machine learning capabilities. This course showcases the ease, flexibility, and power of big data solutions on Google Cloud Platform.


Module 1: Introduction to Google Cloud

Module 2: Compute and Storage Fundamentals

Module 3: Data Analytics on the Cloud

Module 4:  Scaling Data Analysis

Module 5:  Machine Learning

Module 6: Data Processing Architectures 

Module 7: Summary and Review 

For more information Please contact below.

Email: Jiranan Suwan (Operation Team)

GCP free fundamental event on 31 October 2024