
GCPCIN - Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure

Duration: 1.0 day
This certification & training course uses lectures, demos, and hands-on labs to give you an overview of Google Cloud products and services so that you can learn the value of Google Cloud and how to incorporate cloud-based solutions into your business strategies

This course teaches participants the following skills:
  • Identify the purpose and value of Google Cloud products and services. Interact with Google Cloud services.
  • Describe ways in which customers have used Google Cloud.
  • Choose among and use application deployment environments on Google Cloud: App Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, and Compute Engine.
  • Choose among and use Google Cloud storage options: Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, Cloud Bigtable, and Firestore.
  • Make basic use of BigQuery, Google’s managed data warehouse for analytics.

The course includes presentations, demonstrations, and hands-on labs.

Module 1: Introducing Google Cloud
  • Explain the advantages of Google Cloud.
  • Define the components of Google's network infrastructure, including: Points of presence, data centers, regions, and zones.
  • Understand the difference between Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).
Module 2: Getting Started with Google Cloud
  • Identify the purpose of projects on Google Cloud.
  • Understand the purpose of and use cases for Identity and Access Management.
  • List the methods of interacting with Google Cloud.
  • Lab: Getting Started with Cloud Marketplace.
Module 3: Virtual Machines in the Cloud
  • Identify the purpose of and use cases for Google Compute Engine.
  • Understand the basics of networking in Google Cloud.
  • Lab: Getting Started with Google Compute Engine.

Module 4: Storage in the Cloud

  • Understand the purpose of and use cases for: Cloud Storage, Cloud Bigtable, Cloud SQL, Cloud Spanner, and Firestore.
  • Learn how to choose between the various storage options on Google Cloud.
  • Lab: Getting Started with Cloud Storage and Cloud SQL.
Module 5: Containers in the Cloud
  • Define the concept of a container and identify uses for containers.
  • Identify the purpose of and use cases for Google Kubernetes Engine and Kubernetes.
  • Introduction to Hybrid and Multi-Cloud computing (Anthos).
  • Lab: Getting Started with Kubernetes Engine.
Module 6: Applications in the Cloud
  • Understand the purpose of and use cases for App Engine.
  • Contrast the App Engine standard environment with the App Engine flexible environment.
  • Understand the purpose of and use cases for Cloud Endpoints.
  • Lab: Getting Started with App Engine.
Module 7: Containers in the Cloud
  • Understand how Cloud Source Repositories, Cloud Functions, and Deployment Manager support development in the cloud.
  • Understand the purpose of integrated monitoring, alerting, and debugging.
  • Lab: Getting Started with Deployment Manager and Cloud Monitoring.
Module 8: Big Data and Machine Learning in the Cloud
  • Understand the purpose of and use cases for the products and services in the Google Cloud big data and machine learning platforms.
  • Lab: Getting Started with BigQuery.
Module 9: Summary and Review
  • Summary and Review.
  • What's Next?

This class is intended for the following:
  • Individuals planning to deploy applications and create application environments on Google Cloud.
  • Developers, systems operations professionals, and solution architects getting started with Google Cloud.
  • Executives and business decision makers evaluating the potential of Google Cloud to address their business needs.

Familiarity with application development, systems operations, Linux operating systems, and data analytics/machine learning is helpful in understanding the technologies covered.

This course is not associated with any Certification.

Scheduled DateLocationFeesRegister
12 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024 Singapore SGD 750
12 Aug 2024 - 12 Aug 2024 Virtual ILT SGD 750
07 Oct 2024 - 07 Oct 2024 Virtual ILT SGD 750
07 Oct 2024 - 07 Oct 2024 Singapore SGD 750

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