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SPLK-EDLOK - Enriching Data with Lookups


Duration: 3.0 hours

This three-hour course is for knowledge managers who want to use lookups to enrich their search environment. Topics will introduce lookup types and cover how to upload and define lookups, create automatic lookups, and use advanced lookup options. Additionally, students will learn how to verify lookup contents in search and review lookup best practices.


  • What is a Lookup?
  • Creating Lookups
  • Geospatial Lookups
  • External Lookups
  • KV Store Lookups
  • Best Practices for Lookups


Topic 1 – What is a Lookup?

  • Define a lookup and the default lookup types
  • Lookups and the search-time operation sequence

Topic 2 – Create Lookups

  • Describe lookups at search time
  • Use file-based lookups
  • Examine a CSV lookup file
  • Create (upload, define, configure) a lookup
  • Apply advanced lookup options
  • Create and use an automatic lookup at search

Topic 3 – Geospatial Lookups

  • Describe the use of geospatial lookups
  • Examine KML/KMZ geospatial lookup files
  • Add a geospatial lookup file
  • Define a geospatial lookup

Topic 4 – External Lookups

  • Define the use of external lookups
  • Examine an lookup script
  • Configure external lookups

Topic 5 – KV Store Lookups

  • Define the use of KV Store lookups
  • Identify the steps to set up a KV Store lookup
  • Examine the KV Store lookups collections.conf file
  • Create a KV Store lookup definition
  • Identify options for populating a KV Store lookup
  • Compare file-based CSV lookups to KV Store lookups

Topic 6 – Best Practices for Lookups

  • Various best practices for using lookups


  • Splunk Administrator
  • Developer
  • User
  • Knowledge Manager
  • Architect


To be successful, students should have completed the following courses:

  • Search Under the Hood
  • Creating Knowledge Objects



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