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Alibaba Cloud Certification Training Courses

Validate your expertise with Alibaba Cloud Certification, gain recognition and visibility for your proven technical competencies. Choose from scenario-based / technical-based certifications and take the exam online or offline. Attend classroom trainings, learn and practice Alibaba Cloud products and solutions with certified instructors.

Alibaba Cloud Computing
This course prepares for you to attempt the ACA Cloud Computing Certification and covers the core products from computing, storage, networki ...
DevOps on the Cloud
Understand the concepts of DevOps and best practices for DevOps enterprise adoption in this 1-day Alibaba Cloud course. This course also pre ...
Alibaba Cloud Migration Solutions
This course helps cloud migration engineers to migrate to Alibaba Cloud from different independent data centers & cloud providers using the ...
Alibaba Cloud Container Service Best Practice
This course is for Developers who want to learn comprehensive knowledge about Docker, Kubernetes & Alibaba Cloud Container Service.
Alibaba Cloud Big Data Architecture
This course prepares you for ACA Big Data Certification & it covers basic distributed system theory & Alibaba Cloud's core products like Max ...
Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute & DataWorks Deep Dive
You will get the knowledge of the security mechanism of Max Compute. One-stop Big Data development, data permission management, offline job ...
Alibaba Cloud E-MapReduce
This course focuses on understanding the advantages of Hadoop applications on Alibaba Cloud and the migration process and application of Had ...
Alibaba Cloud RealTime Compute
Learn the advantages and best practices of Alibaba stream computing applications in this 1-day official Alibaba training course.
Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning and AI
Learn Alibaba Cloud one-stop machine learning platform and Alibaba Cloud ecosystem AI applications in this 1-day official Alibaba training c ...
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