Create a New Course

  1. Click on Courses on the navigation bar and then click Add Course .
  2. Enter the details like Title, Code, Duration, etc. and click the Submit button. Now, you will be able to see the newly created course in the Course list.
  3. Now click on your newly created Course and then click Add Chapter/Module to add a Chapter/Module. Enter the Chapter/Module Name and click the Save button. You will see the Chapter/Module has been added.
  4. Click on the Chapter/Module you just added and click on the Add Content button to add content to the Chapter/Module.
  5. You can upload content in following formats: HTML, PDF, Video, DOC/DOCX, PPT/PPTX, XLS/XLSX, Image, Assignment, Practice Test, Poll, Survey, Link, SCORM, etc. Details of the type of content you can upload to Trainocate LMS.
  6. Once you have uploaded your content and your course is ready for enrollment, you can Enroll Trainees to the Course.

Creating a Recurring Course

Recurring Courses can be taken up by Trainees multiple times. To create a recurring course:

  1. Click on Courses and Add Course on the navigation bar.
  2. Enter the relevant course details.
  3. Click on Advance Settings and select Yes for Recurring Course.

Setting Course Duration and Availability

  1. Course Availability is the period for which the Course will be available for Enrollments.
  2. Course Duration is the length of the Course for which the Trainee will be Enrolled. The date on which a Trainee is Enrolled to a Course, is considered as the Course Start Date of that Trainee. Upon completion of the Course Duration, the Trainee will not be able to access the course.
  3. To set the Course Duration and Availability, enter the appropriate details like Available From, Available Till and Duration while creating the Course.

Note: Available Till is an optional field.

Course Completion Criteria

The different Course Completion Criteria available in Trainocate are as follows:

  • When Course Duration Ends
  • When Course Progress is 100%
  • Based on Assignment AND/OR Exam Passing Percentage

Based to the criteria selected, a Course will be considered completed, when the criteria is met. If a certificate is uploaded in the Course, it will be issued automatically and sent via email to the Trainee. To learn more about how to Automatically Issue a Certificate you can visit: Issue Certificate.

Note: When a Trainee completes a Course and is not enrolled to a Single Course, his/her status will be Registered.

Course Reminder Emails

  • You can set reminders for Trainees to inform them about their ongoing course. You can do this while creating a new course or by updating an existing course setting.
  • Enter the number of days before end of course, when you would like to send a reminder email to the Trainee.
  • For e.g. If the Trainee is enrolled for a 30 days course and you would like to send a reminder 15 days and 7 days before end their course, you can enter 15, 7 as the values. This way the Trainee will receive 2 reminder emails, 15 days and 7 days prior to end of the enrollment.

View or Edit Course Information

To View or Edit Course Information:

  1. Click on Courses and View Courses on the navigation bar. Now you will see the list of all courses.
  2. Click on the Gear icon next to the relevant Course and click View Details to view all the information and settings of the course.
  3. To edit any information, click on the Edit Button.

View and Reply to Queries

To view and reply to Queries received from Trainees:

  1. Click on "Courses" and "View Courses" on the navigation bar. Now you will see the list of all courses.
  2. Click on the "Gear" icon next to the relevant Course and click Queries to view all the queries raised by Trainees enrolled to this course.
  3. You will be able to view the list of queries along with its status.
  4. Simply open the Pending queries and send your Reply.

Adding Chapters or Modules to a Course

To Add a Chapter or a Module to a Course:

  1. Click on "Courses" and "View Courses" on the navigation bar to view the list of Courses.
  2. Click on the relevant Course to view the course content.
  3. Click on the + Chapter/Module and enter the Name (mandatory field) and Description (optional field) of the Chapter/Module and click "Save".

Accessing Course Material in Anyorder or in Sequence

  • When you create a course, you can set the order in which the Trainee can access the course material.
  • While creating a course, in the drop-down option Allow accessing Course material in: you can choose, Anyorder or Sequence.
  • If Anyorder is selected, the Trainee will be able to view the course material, in any order.
  • If Sequence is selected, the Trainee will only be able to view the course material in the order the material is uploaded. Trainee will not be able to view next module/content before completing the previous.

Rearrange Course Content

In Trainocate LMS you can rearrange the content (module/chapter) by simply dragging and dropping the content.

Note: In your course settings, if Allow accessing Course material in is set to Sequence, you cannot rearrange module/chapter content. Also if your course is locked, you cannot rearrange module/chapter content unless you unlock the course.

Adding a Course to Course Library

Adding a Course to the Course Library helps Trainees discover the Courses offered in your organisation that are voluntary in nature. Trainees can either Self Enroll or Request for Enrollment.

To Create a New Course and add it to the Course Library:

  1. Click "Courses" on the navigation bar and select “Add Course".
  2. Enter the required Course details like Course Title, Code, Duration, etc.
  3. Click on "Advance Settings" for the option "Add To Course Library" to appear. Select "Yes"
  4. Select the appropriate option for "Enrollment Needs Approval of" and click "Submit".
  5. Now, the Trainees will be able to see the newly created course in the Course Library from where they can "Self Enroll" or "Request for Enrollment."


  1. When a course is added to a course library you can add Departments and Designations you want to target. So only Trainees who belong to the targetted Departments and Designations will be able to view this course.
  2. You can also add relevant keywords in "Tags" for the Trainees to find the courses.

Trainee View of Course Library

Add a Certificate to a Course

  1. Click on Courses and View Courses from the navigation bar
  2. Then click on the Gear icon next to the relevant Course and click View Details
  3. Click Edit button and click Browse next to the Certificate field to upload the template. You can also use the sample certificate template provided by clicking on Download Sample Certificate.
  4. To issue certificate automatically, click the check box Issue Certificate on Course Completion. To know more about how to issue a certificate automatically, click here

Issue Certificate Automatically

To issue certificate automatically, you need to follow these steps:
  1. Click on Courses and View Courses from the navigation bar
  2. Then click on the Gear icon next to the relevant Course and click View Details
  3. In Certificate section upload a certificate template in .docx format and click Update to save it. You can download the sample template for your reference.
  4. Then click Edit once again and click on the checkbox Issue Certificate on Course Completion in course settings.
  5. Click Update to save your settings.
  6. Now based on the Course Completion Criteria the certificate will get issued automatically and the Trainee will receive the Certificate via email.
  7. You can preview the certificate by clicking the Preview button.

Issue Certificate manually

To Issue a Certificate manually to Trainees:

  1. Click on "Courses" and "View Courses" on the navigation bar. Now you will see the list of all courses.
  2. Click on the "Gear" icon next to the relevant Course and click Issue Certificate to view list of Trainees.
  3. Select the relevant Trainees and click "Issue Certificate for Selected Users" to issue a certificate.
  4. A confirmation dialog box will open to confirm the action and will provide you an option to notify the Trainees via email.

Note: If you have not uploaded a Certificate Template while creating this course, you will not be able to issue a certificate. Learn How to Add a Certificate to a Course

Copy Course and all its Content

To Copy a Course:

  1. Click on "Courses" and "View Courses" on the navigation bar. Now you will see the list of all courses.
  2. Click on the "Gear" icon next to the relevant Course and click Copy Course
  3. A confirmation dialog box will open where you can choose the relevant Title and Course Code for the new course
  4. Select the check box Copy with Content if you would like to copy the course along with all its content.
  5. If the course has an exam attached to it then you will see an additional option Copy Exam with Question Bank which you can select if needed.
  6. Click Submit and wait for the course copied. Once completed, you will be able to see the new course.

Note: If Copy with Content checkbox is not selected, only the Course settings will be used to create the new course. Course Content will not be copied.

Allow Course Extension

Here is how you can manage course extensions in LEXS LMS:

  1. Click on Courses and View Courses from the navigation bar
  2. Then click on the Gear icon next to the relevant Course and click View Details
  3. In the Course Extension section, you have the following options:
    • Trainee can Request: Trainee can send a request for course extension. Admin can either approve or reject the request. When this option is selected, you need to set the number of Requests Allowed i.e how many times a trainee can send a course extension request.
    • Extend Automatically: Trainee can extend the course without requiring any admin approval. In the setting Extend For choose the number of Days the course will get extended. You need to set the number of Requests Allowed i.e how many times a trainee can extend the course.
    • Not Available: When this option is chosen, Trainee cannot extend the course.

Disable a Course

To Disable a Course:

  1. Click on "Courses" and "View Courses" on the navigation bar. Now you will see the list of all courses.
  2. Click on the "Gear" icon next to the relevant Course and click View Details
  3. Click “Edit” and change the Course Status from “Active” to “Disabled” and click “Update”.
  4. Additional Info: Course cannot be disabled if there are Active Enrollments. You have to Un-Enroll all the Trainees before you can Disable a Course.

Note: Once a Course is Disabled, it will be longer be available for enrollments.

Delete a Course

To Delete a Course and all its content:

  1. Click on "Courses" and "View Courses" on the navigation bar. Now you will see the list of all courses.
  2. Click on the "Gear" icon next to the relevant Course and click "Delete"
  3. A confirmation dialog box will open where you can click the button "Delete Permanently" to delete the course and all its content.

Note: If you do not see the "Delete" option, you might have active enrollments in this course.

Lock a Course

When a course is locked, Course Material cannot be deleted or rearranged. It can be unlocked if any changes are required to the course material.

To Lock a Course:

  1. Click on Courses and View Courses from the navigation bar
  2. Then click on the Gear icon next to the relevant Course and click View Details
  3. Then click Edit and change the Lock Course Material Status from No to Yes and click Update.

Course Assignment and Evaluation

To view course related assignments, click on “Evaluation” and “Assignment” on the navigation bar and then click on the relevant course to view assignments. It will show you the list of all assignments related to the course along with the number of trainees assigned, submitted, not submitted, evaluated and not evaluated, requests (extensions) and type (Manual/Automated) related to each assignment.

To evaluate an assignment, click on the count in the relevant column of the respective assignment, it will show the list of trainees who's assignment is not evaluated. Click on "Evaluate" button and assign marks to the answers and click on "Confirm Evaluation".

You can export the assignment to view answers submitted by a trainee, click on the "Export" button in not evaluated column next to the count.

Adding Content to your Course

To add Content to your Course:

  1. Click “Courses” and “View Courses” on the navigation bar to view the list of your Courses.
  2. Click on the relevant Course and the relevant Chapter/Module Name where you would like to add your content.
  3. Click the + Add Content button to upload your content.
  4. Choose the appropriate Type of Content you would like to upload to your Course.
  5. To know the different types of content you can add to your course,click here

Adding Different Types of Content

Trainocate Learning Management System supports various types of Content that you can share with the Trainees. This includes:

  • HTML: This content type allows you to create HTML content using the WYSIWYG Editor. This includes images, links and rich text etc.
  • PDF: You can upload PDF files as PDF or as Images. To display the PDF file as Images, just select View as Image option while uploading the file. This option automatically converts the PDF document into images and ensures that the document cannot be saved as a PDF file and the text cannot be copied.
  • Video: You can upload your own videos in MP4, WMV, MOV, AVI, FLV formats or link YouTube videos. Videos uploaded in MP4 - H.264 format will not be encoded and will be uploaded directly. All other formats will be encoded to MP4 - H.264 format in real time and uploaded. The video size limit is 100MB. You can make a request if you would like to upload videos larger than 100MB in size. Optionally you can also choose to disable Fast Forward/Seek option for your own Videos, in case you would like the Trainees to watch the entire video without being able to fast forward. You can add watermark to your own videos. You can also add content description to our videos.
  • Audio: You can upload your own audio in MP3 format. There is no restriction to the audio file size.
  • DOC/DOCX: To share DOC/DOCX files, you can select this option. To display the DOC/DOCX file as Images, just select View as Image option while uploading the file. This option automatically converts the DOC/DOCX document into images and ensures that the document cannot be saved as a DOC/DOCX file and the text cannot be copied.
  • PPT/PPTX: To share PPT/PPTX files, you can select this option. To display the PPT/PPTX file as Slides, just select View as Slide option while uploading the file. This option automatically converts the PPT/PPTX Presentation into Slides and ensures that the presentation cannot be saved as a PPT/PPTX file and the text cannot be copied.
  • XLS/XLSX: To share XLS/XLSX files, you can select this option.
  • Image: You can upload and share images in JPG, PNG, GIF and BMP formats.
  • Assessment/Practice Test: You can easily create different types of Assessment/Practise Tests like Multiple Choice Question Answers (MCQ), True/False, Yes/No and Basic Question/Answer. For Assessment Types like MCQ, True/False and Yes/No, you can input the Answer Options and Select the Correct Answer. You can also choose to display the results of the MCQ, True/False, Yes/No to the Trainee after they have attempted the Question. The difference between Assessment and Practice Tests is that you can Reset a Practice Test and re-attempt the questions multiple times. Assessment can only be attempted once. While creating MCQ questions, you can set whether trainee can select more than one answer.
  • Polls & Surveys: To create engaging Polls and Surveys you can choose this content type. When you create a Poll or Survey you can choose if you would like to display the results to the Trainees or not. Polls can be used for single questions and surveys for multiple questions.
  • Link: To share Web Links or URLS, you can choose this content type. Just type a friendly name for your link and enter the URL in format.
  • SCORM : Trainocate LMS suppports SCORM 1.2 and 20004 versions. To upload SCORM content select the correct version and select the zip package and click Submit.

Create an Assignment

To create an Assignment:

  1. Click on Courses and View Courses on the navigation bar. Now you will see the list of all courses.
  2. Click on the relevant Course and then click on the Chapter/Module Name where you would like to add the Assignment.
  3. Please note that an Assignment cannot be added to a module, if other content exists in that Chapter/Module. Please add Assignment in a new module.
  4. Click the Add Content button and then click on Assignment.

Setting Assignment Type

Trainocate Learning Management System supports various types of Content that you can share with the Trainees. This includes:

  • Assignment can be set as Manually Assign To Trainees or Automatically - On Completion of Selected Module.
  • To manually assign trainees,click on Evaluation and Assignment on the navigation bar and then click on the relevant course to view assignments. Click on the count in the "Not Assigned" column respect to assignment, it will show trainee list, select the trainees and click on Assign Selected Trainee button.
  • If assignment type is set to Automatically - On Completion of Selected Module, a list of modules will be displayed below, select the modules. On completing these modules assignment will be visible to trainees.

Adding Video Content

To add a video, click on “Courses” and “View Courses” on the navigation bar to view the list of your Courses. Then click on the relevant Course and then click on the “Chapter/Module Name” where you would like to add the video. Then click the Add Content button next to the “Chapter/Module Name” and than click on Video.

You can add the following video type:

  • Youtube Link
  • Vimeo Link
  • Upload to Vimeo
  • Upload to Trainocate

If you want to add a link, select the video type as "Vimeo link" or "Youtube link" and fill in other details like title, description, enable/disable watermark, consider in progress, allow fast forward and click "Submit".

If you select video type as "Upload to Vimeo", you need to select a video from your computer.

If you are uploading video to Trainocate, you have set "skip video conversion" to "yes" or "no". if can set it to "yes" only if the video is compressed and in .mp4 format

Create a Learning Path

  1. Click Courses on the navigation bar and click Learning Path.
  2. Click + Learning Path button and enter the relevant details like Name, Code, etc. and click Submit
  3. If you want the Trainees to follow a sequential form of learning then choose Yes for Sequential.
  4. You can issue a certificate on completion of the Learning Path. To do this you need to upload a certificate template while creating the learnig path.

Add Courses to Learning Path

  1. Click Courses on the navigation bar and select Learning Path.
  2. Click Courses button next to relevant learning path, it will display list of courses added
  3. To Add New Course click Add Course to Learning Path button and select the relevant Course from the dropdown list and click Submit
  4. If you want to remove a course, click on Trash icon next to relevant Course

Note: If a learning path has active enrollments, you cannot add a new course nor can you remove a course from the learning path.

Enroll a Trainee to Learning Path

  1. Click Courses on the navigation bar and click on Learning Path.
  2. Click Trainees button next to relevant learning path, it will display the list of trainees enrolled to this Learning Path.
  3. To Enroll New Trainees click Enroll Trainees button and select the Rrainees from the list by clicking the checkbox and click Enroll Selected Trainees button.
  4. You can also Enroll Trainees in Bulk, by click on Enroll via CSV button.
  5. To Unenroll a trainee, click on Unenroll icon next to the relevant Trainee name

Note: If a course added to a Learning Path has expired (i.e.: Course Available Till Date has passed), no new enrollments will be accepted. If you want to Enroll Trainees, you need to change Available Till Date in course settings.

User Roles in LEXS LMS

LEXS LMS platform has 5 main roles: Administrator, Manager, Reporting, Trainer, and Trainee.

Administrator:The administrator has full access and permissions to the LMS settings and resources. In LEXS LMS there can only be one Administrator user.

Manager: A user with a Manager role has almost all permissions and rights available to the Administrator except LMS Customization, Settings & Integrations. Permissions assigned to the Manager can be re-defined by the Administrator. For more details on customizing Manager, permissions click here. Reporting: A user with Reporting role can view All Course reports.

Trainer: A user with a Trainer role has permission to manage courses assigned to him/her as the Trainer of the course. A Trainer can view courses, manage course material, view enrolled Trainees, participate in Forums, received and respond to Queries, send Announcements, evaluate Assignments, etc.

Trainee: A user with the Trainee role can view courses enrolled to, attend webinars, meetings, classroom sessions, etc.

Register a Trainee

To register a New Trainee, click on “Users” and “Add User” on the navigation bar. Fill the mandatory details like First Name, Last Name, Email and Mobile Number and select the role as Trainee and click "Submit".
Additional Info: To send an email notification to the Trainee regarding the Registration, you can select the checkbox “Send notification email to user for account creation”. You can let the User choose their password by clicking on the checkbox “Let user choose a password” or you can choose a password on behalf of the User. When you register a new Trainee, he/she will be able to login to the Learning Management System but will not be able to see any Courses until he/she is Enrolled to a Course.
License: A Registered User does not consume any License.
Definition/User Status: A Registered User is a user whose account is created but he/she is not Enrolled to any Course.

Import Trainees in Bulk

To Register Multiple Trainees in bulk, you can use the Import functionality by clicking on “Users” and “Import Trainees” from the navigation bar. Then click “Browse” button to select a CSV file with the list of Users. Select the checkbox “Send notification email to user for account creation” if you would like to notify Trainees via email regarding their Registration. Optionally you can choose a common password for all the Trainees being added or simply select checkbox “Let user choose a password” to let the Trainees select their own password. Finally click “Import” to complete the Import process.
Additional Info: A sample CSV file can be downloaded to see the fields required to use the bulk import feature.
License: Registering Trainees via bulk import will just create their User Accounts and the status of the Trainee will be Registered hence it will not consume any License.

Enroll a Trainee to a Course

To Enroll Trainees to a Course:

  1. Click on Courses and View Courses on the navigation bar. You will then see the list of all courses.
  2. Click on the Gear icon next to the relevant Course and click Enroll Trainees
  3. You will see the list of Trainees who are already Enrolled in this Course.
  4. Click on the Enroll New then Select the Trainee/Trainees you would like to Enroll and click Enroll Selected Trainees.
  5. A confirmation dialog box will open where you can choose the Enrollment Date which can be the Today's date or a future Enrollment date.
  6. To send an email notification to the Trainees regarding their Course Enrollment, click on the checkbox Notify Users via Email
  7. Then click on Enroll button.

License: An Enrolled Trainee will consume 1 License. If a Trainee is Enrolled to a single Course or Multiple Courses, the License consumed will be 1.
User Status: When a Trainee is Enrolled to a Single or Multiple Courses, his/her status will be Enrolled.

Extend Course Duration of a Trainee

To Extend the Course Duration of a Trainee, click on “Users” and “View Users” then click on the relevant Trainee to go to the Trainee’s Detail section. Then in the Course Action tab of the relevant Course click “Extend” and select the Start and End Date and click “Extend Course” to extend the Course Duration of the Trainee.

Un-Enroll a Trainee from a Course

To Un-enroll a Trainee from a Course, click on “Courses” and “View Courses” on the navigation bar and then click on the “Enroll User” icon in the Action tab, next to the relevant Course. Here you will see the list of existing Trainees who are currently Enrolled to that Course. Click on the Name of the Trainee to go to User Details Section. Click "Un-Enroll" button next to the relevant Course to Un-Enroll the Trainee from that Course.
Additional Info: When a Trainee is Manually Un-enrolled, his/her progress and assessments data for that Course will be deleted. When a trainee in not enrolled to any Course his/her status will be the same as a Registered Trainee. If you wish to retain the Trainee’s Course related details like progress and assessments data, then you should disable the Trainee instead of Un-Enrolling him/her.
License: When a Trainee is Un-enrolled and he/she is not Enrolled to any other Course, the consumed License Count will decrease by 1.
Definition: An Un-Enrolled trainee is a user that is Un-Enrolled/Removed from an on-going Course.
User Status: When a Trainee is Un-Enrolled from a Course and he/she is not Enrolled to a single Course, his/her status will be "Registered"

Edit Trainee Details

To Edit the Details of a Trainee, click “Users” and “View Users” on navigation bar and then click on the relevant Trainee whose details you would like to modify. You will see the User Details Section where you can click “Edit” button under the “User Actions” Tab to modify his/her details. Make the necessary changes and click “Submit”.

Disable a Trainee

To Disable a Trainee:

  1. Click on Users and View Users on navigation bar
  2. Click on the relevant Trainee you would like to disable. You will see the User Details Section 
  3. Click on the Gear icon and then click Disable to disable the User.

Note: A Trainee that is Disabled, will not be able to Login. Course enrollments including assessments and progress will be maintained as it is. When you change the status back to Enabled, the Trainee can continue their Course.
License: When a Trainee is Disabled, if he/she was enrolled to a Course at the time of suspension, the License Consumed Count will decrease by 1.

Add Trainee Relationship

If you would like Trainees to be able to view their subordinates progress, you can use Trainee Relationships feature.
  1. Click on “Users” and then “Trainee Relationship”on the navigation bar. It will display list of trainees along with name of users to whom they are reporting.
  2. Click on “Import Relationships via CSV” button, then click “Browse” button to select a CSV file with the list of Users.
  3. To view Trainee hierarchy click on relevant trainee name and you will be able to the his/her Team Members.
  4. You can also enable or disable the Report viewing feature for the Trainee. When enabled, this Trainee will be able to see his/her subordinates course details and progress.

Set Permissions for Manager Role

To change permissions for a Manager:

  1. Click on Users and View Users on the navigation bar. It will display list of all users.
  2. To view the users who are assigned the Managers role, filter the Role as Manager.
  3. Click on the relevant user. Now you will see the User Details Section.
  4. Click on the Gear Icon and click Permissions

  5. Choose the required permissions and click Update.

Create a Batch

To Create a New Batch:

  1. Click Batches on the navigation bar and click + Batch
  2. Enter the Name of the Batch, Description and select the Course Enrollment Type and click Submit.

Note: Batch Name should be unique. A Batch does not have a Start Date or an End Date. A Batch can be enrolled to one or multiple Courses.

Course Enrollment Type:

Date Based: When you select Date Based and add a Course to the Batch, you can choose the Enrollment Start and End Date. All Trainees enrolled via this Batch will have the same Enrollment Start and End Date.

Duration Based: When you select Duration Based and add a Course to the Batch, the Enrollment Start Date will be today’s date OR Course Start Date mentioned in the Course settings, (if it is set as a Future Date) and the End date will be determined based on the duration of the course.
Definition: A Batch is a collection of Trainees put together in a Group for ease of management.

Add Trainees to a Batch

To Add Trainees to a Batch:

  1. Click on Batches on the navigation bar. You will see the list of Batches.
  2. Under Trainee column, click on the Trainee Count to view the list of Trainees who are added to this Batch.
  3. Click on + Trainee to Batch and select the Trainees you would like to add to the Batch and click Submit.

  1. When a Trainee is added to a Batch, he/she will automatically get enrolled to the Course(s) that are added to the Batch.
  2. If the Trainee being added to the Batch is directly enrolled to the Course prior to being added to the Batch and his/her Course Duration is ongoing, then he/she will get re-enrolled to the Course.

Remove Trainees from a Batch

To Remove Trainees from a Batch, click on “Batches” on the navigation bar, then click on the trainee count box under Trainee column besides relevant Batch Name to view the list of Trainees that are already present in the Batch. Then click on “Remove” icon in the Action tab of the relevant User to remove the User from the Batch.
Additional Info: When you remove a Trainee from a batch, the Trainee’s Course enrollments will not get affected and the Trainee will continue to be Enrolled to the Courses he was Enrolled to prior to removing him/her from the Batch. To make changes to Trainee’s Course enrollments or to un-enroll a Trainee from a Course, go to “User Details” section and click on “Un-Enroll” next to the relevant Course.

Enroll a Batch to a Course

To Enroll a Batch to a Course, click on “Batches” on the navigation bar, then click on the course count box besides the relevant Batch. Click on the “+ Enroll Courses” Sign, then select the relevant Course from the dropdown list and select the Start and End Date of the Course Enrollment and click “Submit”. You can select the checkbox “Notify Users via Email” to notify the Trainees regarding the Course enrollment.
Additional Info: When a Batch is Enrolled to a Course, all Trainees present in the Batch will get Enrolled to the Course. Batch can be enrolled to one or multiple Courses but one Course at a time. You can only enroll a Batch to a Course when there is at least one Trainee present in the Batch.
Note 1: While Enrolling the Batch to a Course, if there is a Trainee in the Batch who was already enrolled to that Course and his/her Course Duration is not completed, then he/she will get re-enrolled to the Course. The start and end date of the Trainee’s Course Enrollment will be the same as the start and end date of the Batch’s Course Enrollment.
Note 2: While Enrolling the Batch to a Course, if there is a Trainee in the Batch who was already enrolled to that Course and his/her Course Duration is completed, then he/she will get not get re-enrolled to the Course.

Un-Enroll a Batch from a Course

To Un-Enroll a Batch from a Course, click on “Batches” on the navigation bar and then click course count box besides the relevant Batch. Then click “Un-Enroll” icon in the Action Tab for the relevant Course to Un-Enroll the Batch from the Course.
Additional Info: Un-Enrolling a Batch from a Course will not Un-Enroll the Trainees (who are part of the Batch) from the Course.

Extend Course Duration of a Batch

To Extend Course Duration of a Batch, click on “Batches” on the navigation bar, then click on the course count box besides the relevant Batch to see the list of Courses that the Batch is Enrolled to. Then click on “Extend Course” icon in the action tab for the relevant Course you would like to extend. Select theStartand/or End Date and click "Submit". This process will change the Course Start and/or End date for all the Trainees who are part of the Batch.

Add Webinar to Batch

To Add Webinar to a Batch click on “Batches” on the navigation bar, then click on the webinar count box besides the relevant Batch. It will display webinars added to the batch. Then click the “Add Webinar” button and select the Webinar you would like to add to the Batch from dropdown list and click "Submit".
To remove webinars from the batch, click on “Batches” on the navigation bar, and then click on “+ Webinar” from the Action Tab for the relevant Batch. Then click the “remove” icon in the Action Tab for the relevant Webinar to remove the Batch from the Webinar.

View Announcements

To View Announcements, just click on “Announcements” on the navigation bar and you will see all the Announcements made till date. Clicking the relevant Announcement will open the Announcement detail.

Make an Announcement

To Make an Announcement, click “Announcements” on the navigation bar to view the list of all Announcements made in till date. Then click the  “+ Announcement” to Make a New Announcement. Enter a Title and Body of the Announcement. Next, select from the dropdown list who you would like to share this Announcement with, “Courses”, “Batches” or “Users”. To send a copy of the Announcement to the Users via email, you can select the “Notify Users via Email” checkbox. To send an SMS to the Users regarding the Announcement, you can select “Notify Users via SMS” checkbox. Then click “Submit” to make the Announcement.
Additional Info: Selecting “Courses” will display the list of all Courses. You can select the relevant Course to ensure that all Users currently Enrolled to that Course will receive the Announcement. Selecting “Batches” will display the list of all Batches. You can select the relevant Batch to ensure that all Trainees who are part of the Batch and are currently Enrolled to at least one Course will receive the Announcement. Selecting “Users” will allow you to enter individual Usernames of the Trainees. Only the usernames entered will receive the announcement.
Note: Announcements made prior to a Trainee’s join date will not be visible to the User.

Customize Email Templates

To Customize the Email Template, login as an Administrator and click on Customize under "Settings" in the navigation bar then click “Email Template”. Here list of email templates will be shown. Click on the email template you want to customize. You can change details like title,subject and email body.
Note: Do not remove bold strings from the email body.

Creating Sub-Companies with Custom Domain

  1. Sub Companies can be created in LEXS LMS and can be customised and assessed using a custom domain of your
  2. To create the new company, you need a subdomain name.
  3. Send request mail to and cc: to create the DNS entry.
  4. Subdomain should follow the below nomenclature – e.g.:
  5. Next, in LEXS LMS, as an Administrator, in the navigation bar under Settings click Customize > Domain.
  6. Then map a custom domain created under Custom Domain Settings and click Update.
Note: Normally the DNS propagation may take 24 hours to be in effect.

Customize Email Address

To Customize the Email Address, login as an Administrator and click on Customize under "Settings" in the navigation bar then click “Email Address”. Here you can see current sender name and sender email. You can change the sender email and name. Once done, click "Submit" to Save the changes. After making changes you can verify your email address or revert back to default email address.

Steps for using custom email address:

  1. Add New Sender Name and Email Address, then click Update.
  2. You will receive an email on the new email address with a Verification link. Click the verification link to verify the ownership of your email address.
  3. Once you have clicked the Verification link received in your email, click the above button "I have Verified my Email Address".
  4. After your email is verified, DKIM settings will be generated and displayed below. To enable DKIM signing for your domain, the records below must be entered in your DNS settings.

  5. Note: Note that verification of these settings may take up to 72 hours and will be done automatically. This step is optional and it will help improve deliverability of email.

Leaderboard Settings

To enable or disable Leaderboard,  login as an Administrator and click on Customize under "Settings" in the navigation bar then click “Leaderboard”. Here you can allow or disable leaderboard as well as set points for each activity trainee will perform in LMS. The points gained by the trainee will be visible on trainee dashboard.

View Trainee Dashboard

When you login as a Trainee, the first screen you will see is the Trainee Dashboard.

  • If you wish to go back to the Dashboard from any other screen, simply click Dashboard on the navigation bar.
  • The Dashboard displays information about Courses, Total Progress, Achievements, Leaderboard, Course Statistics, My Team, etc.

View Enrolled Courses

As a Trainee, to view the Courses you are currently enrolled to:

  • Login as a Trainee
  • Click Courses on the navigation bar.
  • Now you will be able to see the list of Courses you are Enrolled to.
  • Along with each Course, you will be able to see your Progress, Start and End Date of your course and the status of your enrollment.
  • Simply click the View Course button to view your course material.
  • Courses that are ongoing will be tagged as Ongoing
  • Courses where the End Date is expired will be tagged as Expired
  • Courses that you have completed will be tagged as Completed

View Course Material

To access your Course Material:

  • Login as a Trainee
  • Click Courses on the navigation bar to view the list of your enrolled courses.
  • Simply click the View Course icon to start/view your course material.
  • You will see a description of your course.
  • Click Continue to view your course material.

Search in Course Content

As a Trainee, when viewing course material, you can search for a specific content within the course.

  • Under your Progress Bar, click Search for Content.
  • Simply enter your search term and click on the result to jump to the desired content you are looking for.

View Course Library

If your organisation has provided optional courses, these will be visible under Course Library. To view these courses:

  • Login as a Trainee and click Course Library on the navigation bar.
  • You will see the list of Optional Courses available in your organisation.
  • If you wish to enroll to any of these courses, based on it’s setting, you can either click icon to Self Enroll or click icon to Request for Enrollment.
  • trainee

View Course Exam

If your organisation has provided optional courses, these will be visible under Course Library. To view these courses:

  • Login as a Trainee and click Course Library on the navigation bar.
  • You will see the list of Optional Courses available in your organisation.
  • If you wish to enroll to any of these courses, based on it’s setting, you can either click icon to Self Enroll or click icon to Request for Enrollment.
  • trainee

View Achievements or Completed Courses

As a Trainee, when you complete a course, you can view it under Achievements:

  • Login as a Trainee and click Achievements on the navigation bar.
  • Here you will be able to see the Courses you have completed.
  • If a certificate has been issued, you will be able to see the Certificate Icon and you will be able to download your certificate by clicking on this icon.

View Certificate

Course completion certificates are issued on completion of a Course. If your organization has issued your certificate, here is how you can view it:

  • Login as a Trainee and click Achievements on the navigation bar.
  • Here you will be able to see the Courses you have completed
  • If a certificate has been issued, you will be able to see the Certificate Icon and you will be able to download your certificate by clicking on this icon.

View Enrolled Webinar

As a Trainee, to view your upcoming Webinars/Meetings:

  • Login as a Trainee and click Webinars/Meetings on the navigation bar.
  • You will be able to see your Upcoming and Concluded Webinars/Meetings.
  • To join a Webinar, click on the Join Webinar icon.
  • You will see a pop-up with the description. Click Join Webinars/Meetings to join the Webinar/Meeting

Create a Query

As a Trainee, you can create a Query to clarify your doubts about your Online Course. To create a query:

  • Click Queries on the navigation bar.
  • This will display list of all your courses.
  • To raise a query, click on the Plus icon under the action column on the relevant course.
  • Fill in the relevant details and click on Create.
  • Once created, your query will be assigned a Unique Query number.
  • When your query has been responded to, you will receive an email alerting you about the same.
  • To view the response to your query, click Queries on the navigation bar. Click on the Eye icon under the action column on the relevant course. Then click on relevant Query to view the response.
  • Note: This feature will only be available if it is enabled by your administrator.


View Course Forum and Add a Post

To view the Posts in a Course Forum:

  • Click Courses and click on the View Forum icon.
  • You will be able to view all the posts related to this course.
  • You can reply to an existing post or click on Add Post button to create a post of your own.

Note: This feature is only available if it is enabled by your administrator.

Course Forum

  • You can delete your own post.
  • You can receive notifications, if some one replies to your post.
  • You can edit your own post.

Course Forum


View Trainee Relationship

As a Trainee, you can view your Team members and their learning journey in the My Team section on your Dashboard. To view your Team:

  • Login as a Trainee and click View All in the My Team section on the Dashboard.
  • This will display a list of your fellow team members with the details of their learning journey.
  • You can click on the relevant Trainee to view further details.

Note: This feature is only available if the Adminstrator has enabled it.


Change your Password

To change your Password:

  • Click on your Initials on the top right corner and then click Change Password.
  • Enter your current password, new password and confirm new password and click Submit.
  • Password must be minimum 8 characters and must contain at least one number.
  • trainee

Change your Profile

To make changes to your profile:

  • Login and click on your Initials on the top right corner and then click Edit Profile.
  • Enter the information you need to update in your profile and click Update.

View Trainee Calendar

To view your Training Calendar:

  • Login as a Trainee
  • Click on the Calendar icon on the top right corner to view your Training Calendar.
  • The calendar displays all events like Course Start, Course End, Exam Start, Exam End, Learning Object Start, Learning Object End, Upcoming Webinars and Classroom Sessions.
  • You can also download your calendar by clicking on export and Download Calendar or copy calendar by clicking Copy Link to add to your google or outlook calendars.
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