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Advanced Data Preparation Using IBM SPSS Modeler (v18.1.1)
"Advanced Data Preparation Using IBM SPSS Modeler (v18.1.1)" is a comprehensive software tool that enables users to efficiently prepare and ...
Advanced Methods in Data Science and Big Data Analytics
This course builds on skills developed in the Data Science and Big Data Analytics course.
Data Science and Big Data Analytics v2
The course provides grounding in basic and advanced analytic methods and an introduction to Big Data analytics technology and tools, includi ...
Data Science and Blockchain Training (DataScience-BlockChain)
There are many decisions and issues that face the technical team and data leadership, and this class will enable participants to effectively ...
Data science without a Ph.D. Using IBM SPSS Modeler (v18.1.1)
Unlock the world of data science without needing a Ph.D. with this concise guide to IBM SPSS Modeler (v18.1.1). Dive into the capabilities o ...
Designing and implementing a data science solution on Azure
Designing and implementing a data science solution on Azure
IBM Integrated Analytics System (IIAS) for Data Scientists v1.0
This course teaches data scientists how to use the data science capabilities of IBM Integrated Analytics System, using Watson Studio, RStudi ...
Implement a data science and machine learning solution for AI in Microsoft Fabric
Implement a data science and machine learning solution for AI in Microsoft Fabric
Introduction to IBM SPSS Modeler and Data Science (v18.1.1)
Introduction to IBM SPSS Modeler and Data Science (v18.1.1)" is a comprehensive course designed to provide a solid foundation in using IBM S ...
Learn the Fundamentals of Data Science on the IBM Cloud
Learn the Fundamentals of Data Science on the IBM Cloud
Learn to use Data Science Experience
Learn how to create and set up a project and to be familiar with how to create, code, collaborate, and share notebooks while working with a ...
Practical Data Science with Amazon SageMaker
Learn how to solve a real-world use case with machine learning and produce actionable results using Amazon SageMaker.
Splunk for Analytics and Data Science
This course covers implementing analytics and data science projects using Splunk's statistics, machine learning, built-in and custom visuali ...
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