SPLK-FMMSO - Fundamentals of Metrics Monitoring in Splunk Observability

This course serves as the foundation for all other Splunk Observability courses. It is targeted towards DevOps/SRE/Observability teams, Senior On-call Engineers, Onboarding and Monitoring Strategists and Developers. This 6-hr course provides a fundamental understanding of Metrics Monitoring in Splunk Observability such as the metrics data model and different types of metadata. See how you can interact with data using built-in content, search for metrics, find more information about a metric, visualize and alert on metrics. Learn to use appropriate rollups, interpret chart data based on chart resolution, rollups, and analytic functions. All concepts are taught using lectures and scenario-based hands-on activities.

Duration: 7.0

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  • Define components of the metrics data model
  • Discriminate between types of metadata
  • Interact with data using built-in content
  • Create dashboards using best practices
  • Find and visualize metrics
  • Alert on metrics
  • Correctly interpret data in charts based on rollups, analytic functions, and chart resolution


Module 1 - Metrics Data Model

  • Define components of the Splunk IM Data Model
  • Metrics, MTS, datapoints
  • Data resolution, rollups
  • List the components of a datapoint

Module 2 – Types of Splunk Metrics Metadata

  • Discriminate between types of metadata
  • Use metadata to segment your data
  • Interact with data using the Infrastructure Navigator and built-in dashboards

Module 3 – Finding and Visualizing Metrics

  • Search for metrics
  • Visualize a metric in a chart
  • Create dashboards and dashboard groups
  • Distinguish between different chart visualization types

Module 4 – Using Rollups and Analytic Functions

  • Correctly apply rollups and analytic functions
  • Interpret data in charts

Module 5 – Alerting on Metrics

  • Create a detector from a chart
  • Clone a detector
  • Create standalone detector
  • Create a muting rule



  • Introduction to Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring (eLearning)



Course Benefits

  • Career growth
  • Broad Career opportunities
  • Worldwide recognition from leaders
  • Up-to Date technical skills
  • Popular Certification Badges

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