AD466 - Implementing with Red Hat Decision Manager with exam (AD466)

Students are given detailed, hands-on exercises using Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio and Red Hat Decision Manager that are designed to let students create and manage business rules in a production environment. This version of the course includes the Red Hat Certified Specialist in Decision Manager exam (EX465).

Duration: 4.0

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  • Authoring business rules in JBoss Developer Studio and Business Central
  • Integrating business rules with Java applications
  • Authoring advanced rules
  • Testing business rules
  • Authoring and testing rules in decision tables
  • Authoring rule templates and generating rules from decision tables
  • Authoring domain-specific languages
  • Decision Manager architecture and rule execution at run time
  • Controlling rule execution and preventing conflicts
  • Complex event processing (CEP)
  • Integration with Business Central


Overview of Red Hat Decision Manager with exam
Learn about the architecture, basic deployment options, and the business need for a business rules management system such as Red Hat Decision Manager
Authoring basic business rules
  • Develop business rule structure and components, including facts working memory
  • Identify rule components
  • Author rules with Business Central and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio (JBDS)
Integrating business rules with Java applications
Use the knowledge API to integrate rules processing into an application
Authoring rules as technical rules, decision tables, templates, and domain-specific language files
  • Author rules using the Business Central technical rule editor and create a spreadsheet decision tables
  • Create rule templates
Business rules decision tables and rule templates
  • Create spreadsheets with rules and rule templates
Domain-specific languages in Decision Manager
  • Learn the purpose of domain-specific languages (DSLs), how to author them, and how to use them in a rule in Decision Manager
  • Use domain-specific languages created by developers to create rules
Testing business rules
Test business rules using both the Business Central web interface and Java coding
Authoring complex rules with Decision Manager
  • Author complex business rules using advanced conditions and field constraints
Controlling rule execution
  • Control rule execution
  • Learn how to avoid rule conflicts
Debugging basic business rules in Drools
  • Debug Drools applications in JBDS
Complex event processing in Decision Manager
  • Create and use complex event processing (CEP) with rules
Integration with Business Central
  • Gain an overview of Decision Manager administration with Business Central, a web application built into Decision Manager
  • Learn how to integrate Business Central with Java code


  • Business analysts and enterprise SOA architects who are responsible for creating and adapting business policies
  • Rules authors responsible for authoring and testing rules
  • Java EE application developers responsible for integrating business rules into SOA and Java EE enterprise applications


  • Basic Java/Java EE programming experience
  • Knowledge of the Eclipse IDE, Maven, and GIT are useful, but not essential


Red Hat Certified Specialist in Decision Manager exam (EX465)

Course Benefits

  • Career growth
  • Broad Career opportunities
  • Worldwide recognition from leaders
  • Up-to Date technical skills
  • Popular Certification Badges

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