AMA-LDT - Preparing for Leadership

This leadership training course is uniquely designed to help leaders-to-be get ready for their new challenges and responsibilities. Learners will discover the heart, soul and mind of true leadership, and explore leadership roles as strategist, change agent, coach, manager, communicator, mentor and team member. They will learn how to develop their unique leadership style for maximum impact.

Duration: 2.0

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  • Understand what a leader is…and is not
  • Project a more dynamic image
  • Discover your own unique leadership style
  • Determine which leadership attributes you already possess
  • Apply lessons learned through leadership training to take on your first leadership position with greater confidence
  • Understand what people expect and respect in a leader
  • Learn how to motivate a team, including “difficult people”
  • Protect yourself against the pitfalls of intra-organizational politics


  • Identify respected leadership qualities and build own authentic leadership voice.
  • Develop and pursue own leadership style.
  • Project a positive, trusted professional image.
  • Identify and use own sources of power and influence.
  • Expand own networks by developing key relationships.
  • Effectively participate in organizational politics.
  • Motivate others and avoid demoralizing behaviours with all types of team members.


Any executive or manager who requires leadership training to step into a leadership role or who is about to take on a new leadership position.





Course Benefits

  • Career growth
  • Broad Career opportunities
  • Worldwide recognition from leaders
  • Up-to Date technical skills
  • Popular Certification Badges

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