2533 - Critical Thinking

Feeling overwhelmed? What if you could learn a process for thinking to make better decisions and create better solutions? In this course, you’ll learn and practice techniques to generate breakthrough ideas and solve your most pressing problems. You’ll also discover how to ask the right questions, challenge assumptions and see others’ viewpoints with clarity.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Translate abstract ideas into tangible results
  • Evaluate ideas and adjust assumptions
  • Solve problems based on credible evidence
  • Make dramatically better decisions

You’ll also receive:

  • The “My Thinking Styles” assessment, which gauges your thinking style preferences
  • A personalized development report with your individual results and areas for development
  • AMA’s Critical Thinking Model, with an action plan for implementing critical thinking and decision-making skills back at work
  • Pre- and post-seminar assessments
  • Tune-up materials to review what you’ve learned after the event
  • A skill-enabling toolkit, downloadable from the AMA Learning Portal

Duration: 2.0

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  • Utilize critical thinking skills when making business decisions
  • Be able to quickly identify and frame the problem, solve the problem and enable action through organizational awareness and relationship management
  • Discover 7 ways to spot a weak argument
  • Know how to translate abstract ideas into more tangible and actionable items
  • Identify 8 barriers to effective critical thinking
  • Minimize the impact of job pressures on your thinking processes
  • React with curiosity instead of emotion



Critical Thinking in Business

  • Define Critical Thinking
  • Describe Characteristics of Effective Critical Thinkers
  • Relate the Role of Critical Thinking in Meeting Business Challenges

The RED Model of Critical Thinking

  • Identify the Skill Areas of the Critical Thinking Process
  • Recognize and Use Skills That Support the Critical Thinking Process


Appraising Your Critical Thinking Skills

  • Recognize the Value of Gaining Insight into Your Critical Thinking Skills
  • Review Feedback on Your “My Thinking StylesTM” Assessment
  • Understand the Connection Between Your Individual Thinking Style and the RED Approach to Critical Thinking

Applying Critical Thinking Skills and Tools

  • Practice Using Critical Thinking Skills and Techniques in a Real Business Situation
  • Identify Personal Situations Where Critical Thinking Can Be Used
  • Select Tools for Using Critical Thinking Skills


Applying Critical Thinking Skills and Tools (cont’d)

  • Practice Using Critical Thinking Skills and Techniques in a Real Business Situation
  • Identify Personal Situations Where Critical Thinking Can Be Used
  • Select Tools for Using Critical Thinking Skills

Developing Organizational Awareness and Managing Relationships

  • Understand the Attributes Associated with Organizational Awareness and Managing Relationships
  • Anticipate Interpersonal Strategies You Will Need to Implement Critical Thinking at Work

Implementing Your New Knowledge and Skills

  • Anticipate Pitfalls You May Encounter as a Critical Thinker
  • Create an Action Plan for Development of Critical Thinking Skills


All business professionals who want to enhance their thinking processes to achieve better results in business.





Course Benefits

  • Career growth
  • Broad Career opportunities
  • Worldwide recognition from leaders
  • Up-to Date technical skills
  • Popular Certification Badges

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