2222 - Artificial Intelligence (AI) Business Essentials Certificate Program

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has had the kind of life-changing implications that came about with the discovery of the electricity. Its influence on organizations and the world of business is already momentous. This program will help you gain an understanding of the technology, how you’re already using it and the opportunities it presents. Explore the huge impact it can have on your business, your career and society. After participating, you’ll receive a Certificate of Completion.

Duration: 2.0

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  • Learning what AI can do now and in the future and potential risks
  • Understanding the security implications of managing data and technology
  • Recognizing competencies needed to keep your organization competitive
  • Enabling yourself to use AI by applying the 4 Cs of success
  • Applying AI tools to extract useful information and diagnose work challenges
  • Blue sky and mind map: how to contribute to the organization by leveraging AI


Learning Objectives

  • What AI is and how it’s already part of your work and personal life
  • Fundamental AI de?nitions and terminology including algorithms and why they matter
  • Typical AI adoption paths for different levels/functions: the technology and people sides
  • Assess AI skill gaps and implications for AI training, up-skilling and re-skilling
  • Communicate the value proposition of an AI solution for both customer and business needs
  • Collaborate on an AI solution using a business case
  • AI: The potential rewards, pitfalls and the crucial need for ethics and governance
  • Craft a vision for the future and begin building your own AI Action Plan

Overview of AI

  • Define Artificial Intelligence and Discuss Examples
  • Recognize what’s underneath Chat GPT and how it works
  • Understand AI Terminology including “Machine Learning”, “Predictive Modeling”, and Algorithms
  • Articulate components of AI Solutions and Techniques We Use for Business Problems
  • Explore Use Cases: Job Titles/Categories, Situations and Opportunities
  • Recognize AI Trends and Emerging Applications and Capabilities

Different Paths Toward Adoption

  • Explore Four Business Contexts and the Types of AI Solutions Used to Address Them
  • Understand the Goals and Activities that are Included in Typical AI Adoption Journeys
  • Recognize the People Side of AI Adoption and How Jobs May or Will Change
  • Appreciate the Risks and Rewards of AI Adoption

Assessing Your Resources

  • Recognize the Business Environment and Conditions Required for AI Success
  • Acknowledge the Essential Skills Needed to Participate in AI Initiatives
  • Assess Your Skills and Identify Success Factors You Can Leverage When Adopting AI
  • Consider Options for Filling Individual and Team AI Skill Gaps

Designing Solutions

  • Identify Business Problems That May Have an AI Solution
  • Develop an Algorithm and Identify the Data Needed to Create an AI Solution
  • Study Relatable Scenarios to Understand Customer Value Propositions in AI
  • Identify What the User Experience (UX) Has to Do With AI
  • Complete an AI Solution Design and Present the Business Case

Acting in Alignment – Ethics and Governance

  • Recognize AI Integration as a Change Initiatives: Aligning with Strategic Objectives
  • Articulate the Crucial Need for Organizations to Establish AI Governance Oversight of AI
  • Appreciate the Need for Humans to Test Solutions to Ensure They Work as Intended
  • See the Broad Scope of AI Governance: Going Above and Beyond Existing Governance
  • Understand Regulatory Agencies and the Law That’s Rapidly Addressing Guardrails on the Ethical and Legal Use of AI

Putting it All Together – Your AI Action Plan

  • Choose What You Can Do, Whether Individual Contributor, Manager or Leader, to Get Started With AI
  • Use The ENGAGE Framework for AI Adoption to Build a “Getting Started” Action Plan
  • Share the Actions You Will Take First


Managers, leaders and all business professionals who want to increase their knowledge and comfort zone around AI and recognize how the technology can be integrated into their organization.





Course Benefits

  • Career growth
  • Broad Career opportunities
  • Worldwide recognition from leaders
  • Up-to Date technical skills
  • Popular Certification Badges

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