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Alibaba Cloud Container Service Best Practice
This course is for Developers who want to learn comprehensive knowledge about Docker, Kubernetes & Alibaba Cloud Container Service.
Cloud Enabled Certified DevOps Professional
This course to help you understand Devops concepts and work on tools, Github, Jenkins, Sonarqube and Nexus , Docker to create Continuous Int ...
Containers, Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift Technical Overview
This self-paced video course provides an introduction to containerization technology using docker, Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift Containe ...
Docker and Kubernetes
The Docker and Kubernetes course provide the foundation of Docker and Kubernetes technologies covered with Controllers Replication, Volumes, ...
Docker and Kubernetes for Infrastructure Professionals
This is a lecture and hands-on course designed for infrastructure professionals and covers core Docker and Kubernetes technologies. includin ...
Docker Introduction
Docker is an open-source platform for automating the process of building, shipping and running applications inside containers.
Dockers, Kubernetes and OpenShift for Administrators
OpenShift is a container application platform for deploying Docker and Kubernetes.
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