2130 - The Voice of Leadership: How Leaders Inspire, Influence and Achieve Results

No matter how compelling the vision or how brilliant the strategy, without leadership communication, there is no execution. The ability to get buy-in, garner trust and inspire loyalty masse isn't a skill you have to be born with. Now you can learn to develop grace under fire and inspire others when giving speeches and presentations. This fast-paced, results-oriented leadership communication training is uniquely designed to strengthen your leadership communication skills modeled on the world's best communicators. You'll learn practical techniques to shape your leadership messages, hone an authentic leadership voice and engage in powerful conversations that achieve results

Code: 2130

Duration: 4.0 days

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  • Improve your leadership communication skills
  • Build greater buy-in, trust and loyalty
  • Demonstrate grace under fire and defuse tension
  • Overcome resistance to change
  • Motivate followers and inspire them to action
  • Rally support in difficult situations


The Voices of Effective Leaders – Past and Present

  • Describe typical situations requiring specific leadership communication skills and assess how well you use the language of leadership in these situations
  • Identify five traits of effective leadership communication and assess how well you demonstrate those traits

Finding Your Leadership Voice

  • Learn the two components of a leader’s voice
  • Describe several leadership communication styles and describe your dominant style

Crafting Compelling Messages That Inspire Action and Produce Results

  • Pinpoint the desired results of your leadership message by using a results matrix
  • Shape your leadership message

Setting the Stage for Powerful Communication

  • Pick the right forum for leadership communications and create a winning setting for your key messages
  • Overcome stage fright and communication anxiety

Taking the Lead

  • Generate presence and charisma that command respect
  • Send clear messages that maximize audience understanding

Setting the Direction You Want Others to Travel

  • Communicate a clear mission and inspire vision and values
  • Delegate authority in ways that prompt others to take responsibility

Influencing and Inspiring Others into Action

  • Identify the factors that demotivate
  • Light a fire in the hearts of others

Coaching, Counseling and Mentoring for Improved Performance

  • Stimulate and guide authentic coaching, counseling and mentoring sessions

Addressing Tough and Touchy Topics in Ways That Defuse Tension

  • Handle conflict and hostile disputes


Experienced managers and executives and anyone who aspires to a leadership position or who is expected to provide leadership.





Course Benefits

  • Career growth
  • Broad Career opportunities
  • Worldwide recognition from leaders
  • Up-to Date technical skills
  • Popular Certification Badges

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