Module 1: Course Introduction
- Virtualization
- Course structure
- Elements of course environment
Module 2: Introduction to Oracle Linux
- Linux distributions
- The Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK)
- Oracle's technical contributions to the Linux community
- Oracle's commitment to the success of Linux
- Linux kernel development model
- Development of Linux Kernel
Module 3: Oracle Cloud Computing
- Launching Instances
- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
- Oracle Private Cloud Appliance
- Oracle OpenStack
- Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Concepts and Terms
- Setting up a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN)
- Attaching a Block Storage Volume to an Instance
- Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Services
Module 4: Installing Oracle Linux 7
- Anaconda installer
- Installation steps
- Launching an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Instance
- Upgrade from Oracle Linux 6
- Obtaining Oracle Linux
- Oracle Software Delivery Cloud
Module 5: Oracle Linux 7 Boot Process
- Oracle Linux 7 Boot Process
- GRUB 2 Bootloader
- systemd Service Units
- The systemctl Utility
- systemd System and Service Manager
- systemd Target Units
- Kernel Boot Parameters
- Shutting Down, Suspending, or Rebooting Commands
Module 6: System Configuration
- Configuring System Date and Time
- System Configuration Files
- Configuring NTP by using Chrony
- The proc File System
- The sysctl Utility
- Using Network Time Protocol (NTP)
- The sysfs File System
Module 7: Package Management
- The yum Utility
- ULN channels
- Yum Configuration
- Oracle Linux Yum Server
- Switching from RHN to ULN
- Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN)
- Introduction to Oracle Linux package management
- The rpm Utility
Module 8: Oracle Ksplice
- Ksplice Packages on ULN
- The Ksplice Web Interface
- Ksplice Online and Offline Implementations
- Ksplice Implementation in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
- Configure Ksplice Offline Clients to use a Local Ksplice Mirror
- Operation and Features of Ksplice
- Ksplice Commands
Module 9: Automating Tasks
- Configuring cron Jobs
- Automating System Tasks
- The at and batch Utilities
- The crontab Utility
- Configuring anacron Jobs
- Other cron Directories and Files
Module 10: Kernel Module Configuration
- Loading and unloading kernel modules
- Kernel module parameters
- Using the lsmod Utility
- Using the modinfo Utility
- Loadable Kernel Modules (LKM)
- Using the modprobe utility
- ASM Cluster File System (ACFS) and ASM Dynamic Volume Manager (ADVM) drivers
- The insmod, depmod, and rmmod utilities
Module 11: User and Group Administration
- Modifying and Deleting User Accounts
- User Private Groups (UPG)
- Adding a User Account
- User Manager Tool
- su and sudo Commands
- User and Group Configuration Files
- Password Configuration
- Group Account Administration
Module 12: Partitions, File Systems, and Swap
- Making Ext File Systems
- Disk Partitions
- Maintaining File Systems
- Mounting File Systems
- Swap Space
- File System Types
- The /etc/fstab File
- Partition Table Manipulation Utilities
Module 13: Storage Administration
- Volume Group Utilities
- Configuring RAID devices
- Logical Volume Utilities
- The snapper Utility
- Logical Volume Manager
- Physical Volume Utilities
- LVM Thin Provisioning
- Backing up and Restoring Volume Group Metadata
Module 14: XFS File System
- Backing up and Restoring XFS File Systems
- XFS File System Maintenance
- Creating an XFS File System
- Enabling Disk Quotas
- The xfs_quota Utility
- The xfs_growfs Utility
- XFS: Introduction
- The xfs_admin Utility
Module 15: Btrfs File System
- Btrfs: Introduction
- Btrfs File System Maintenance
- Converting Ext File Systems to Btrfs
- Creating a Btrfs File System
- Mounting a Subvolume or Snapshot
- Btrfs Subvolumes and Snapshots
- The btrfs Utility
Module 16: Network Configuration
- Network Interface File Naming
- NetworkManager
- Network Configuration Files
- The nmcli Utility
- The ethtool Utility
- The ip utility
- Networking in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
- Starting the Network Service
Module 17: File Sharing
- Starting the NFS Services
- The /etc/exports file
- The exportfs Utility
- Automounting File Systems
- vsftpd Configuration Options
- NFS Client Configuration
- NFS Server Configuration
Module 18: OpenSSH
- The ssh, scp, and sftp Utilities
- Using the ssh-keygen Command
- Connecting to a remote system without supplying a password
- Using ssh-add
- OpenSSH Configuration
- Using OpenSSH Utilities
- Using ssh-agent
- Key Pairs for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Instances
Module 19: Security Administration
- The chroot Utility
- Implementing a chroot Jail
- The firewalld Service
- The iptables Service
- The firewall-config Utility
- Packet-filtering Firewalls
- The firewall-cmd Utility
- TCP Wrappers
Module 20: Oracle on Oracle
- Oracle Software User and Group Accounts
- File Handles and Asynchronous IO (AIO) Kernel Parameter
- Configuring HugePages
- Oracle ASM
- Oracle-Related Shell Limits
- System Resource Tuning and Network Tuning
- Semaphores Kernel Parameter
- Linux Shared Memory Kernel Parameters
Module 21: System Monitoring & System Logging
- rsyslog configuration
- rsyslog Actions and Templates
- The sosreport Utility
- OSWatcher (OSWbb)
- The iostat, mpstat, vmstat, sar, top, iotop, strace, netstat, and tcpdump utilities
- Spacewalk
- Introduction to journald, journalctl
- System Logging: Introduction
Module 22: Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting resources
- Boot problems
- The dmesg utility
- Operating system logs
- Problem causes
- NFS problems
- Two-phased approach to troubleshooting