D93501 - Oracle BPM 12c: New Features

This Oracle BPM 12c: New Features Ed 1 training examines many of the new features and capabilities of the Oracle BPM 12c product as contrasted to the Oracle BPM 11g product version. Hands-on exercises provide adequate experience of using Process Composer 12c as well as BPM Studio 12c.

Learn To:

  • Describe the new features of Oracle BPM 12c.
  • Understand how, when and why to use the new features of Oracle BPM 12c.
  • Use the new features of Oracle BPM 12c to become more productive as a developer.

Benefits to You By taking this course, you'll learn how to make the most of the new features of Oracle BPM 12c. You will not only become familiar with the new look and feel of the product; you'll also learn to use the latest project collaboration and documentation capabilities. You'll get a chance to explore the new Process Asset Manager (PAM) used for project collaboration in 12c, as well as extended documentation capabilities to include the new Narrative view in Process Composer. Walk away with the ability to create custom BAM dashboards.

Duration: 1.0

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  • Describe the new features of Oracle BPM 12c
  • Understand how, when and why to use the new features of Oracle BPM 12c
  • Use the new features of Oracle BPM 12c to become more productive as a developer



  • Review of the BPM Suite layered over the SOA Suite
  • Introducing Business Architecture projects
  • Understanding the Quick Start installation for developers
  • Overview of new features in BPM 12c

Creating Business Architecture Projects 

  • Creating spaces and adding participants in Business Process Composer 12c
  • Using Enterprise maps, strategy models and value chains
  • Creating and using Business Architeture projects with Oracle Business Process Composer
  • Linking BPM projects to Value Chain steps in BA projects
  • Generating report data and displaying reports in BA projects

Oracle Business Process Composer 12c 

  • Creating and editing BPM projects in Oracle Process Composer 12c
  • Using the new Narrative view in Oracle Process Composer 12c for documentation and editing
  • Running process reports
  • Using the new documentation features of Oracle Business Process Composer 12c

Collaborating on BPM 12c Projects 

  • Understanding collaboration capabilities among Process Composer 12c users
  • Setting user privileges for BPM projects
  • Sharing projects using the new Process Asset Manager (PAM)
  • Creating PAM connections in BPM Studio
  • Understanding collaboration capabilities between BPM Studio users and Process Composer users
  • Validating BPM projects
  • Publishing BPM projects
  • Importing and exporting process models

Verbal Rules

  • Review the Oracle Business Rules component in BPM Suite
  • Creating and using new Verbal Rules
  • Creating and using Business Phrases
  • Understanding how Verbal rules differ from General rules

Playing the Process 

  • Understanding the capabilities of the enhanced Process Player in BPM 12c
  • Enabling the Process Player
  • Mapping users and groups to process roles
  • How to play a BPM project with multiple processes or multiple process instances

Monitoring the Process

  • Using built-in measures and dimensions
  • Configuring sampling points
  • Leveraging the Process Monitor Dashboard in Business Process Workspace
  • Creating and using custom business indicators
  • Assigning values to business indicators

Creating Real-Time Dashboards Using BAM 

  • Understanding the new built-in BAM dashboards for monitoring BPM processes
  • Using the new BAM Composer web application
  • Creating and configuring a custom BAM dashboard
  • Using default and custom process and data objects for BAM dashboard projects

Appendix A:Surfacing KPIs in Business Architecture Reports

  • Linking an Enterprise Map to a BPM process
  • Creating Key Performance Indicator (KPI) data objects in BPM projects
  • Creating a rollup KPI in a Value Chain step
  • Generating and displaying rolled-up KPIs in a Process Criticality Report


  • Analyst
  • Architect
  • Developer
  • Implementer


Suggested Prerequisite

  • SOA Adoption and Architecture Fundamentals Ed 1
  • Oracle SOA Suite 11g: Build Composite Applications Ed 3
  • CDT Oracle SOA Suite 11g: Administration
  • Knowledge of Business Architecure Concepts
  • Experience using BAM 11g

Required Prerequisite

  • Oracle BPM 11g: Implement the Process Model Ed 3
  • Experience with modeling and implementing Oracle 11g BPM Projects
  • Experience with JDeveloper BPM Studio
  • Experience using Oracle Business Process Composer



This course is not associated with any Certification.

Course Benefits

  • Career growth
  • Broad Career opportunities
  • Worldwide recognition from leaders
  • Up-to Date technical skills
  • Popular Certification Badges

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