D90165 - Oracle Database SQL and PL/SQL New Features

The Oracle Database 12c: SQL and PL/SQL New Features training introduces you to the new features available in Oracle Database 12c. Explore the latest features available in SQL language and feature enhancements in PL/SQL, data types, language performance and data warehousing. In this course, you will be introduced to Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service.

Learn To:

  • Understand the FETCH clause to limit the rows returned by a SQL query.
  • Take advantage of the invisible and hidden columns.
  • Make use of the IDENTITY column to automatically generate the number column.
  • Utilize the ACCESSIBLE BY clause to create a white list of PL/SQL units.
  • Grant roles to PL/SQL packages and standalone stored procedures.
  • Understand Synchronous Materialized Views.
  • Identify ways to improve query performance against OLAP cubes.
  • Gain an understanding of the Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service.

Benefits to You

When you walk away from this course, you will have gained a better understanding of the data warehousing new features available in Oracle Database 12c. This includes maintaining multiple partitions and SQL for pattern matching.

Duration: 2.0

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  • Create Invisible and Hidden columns in a table
  • Understand enhanced DDL capabilities using ONLINE keyword
  • Identify additional new features available in SQL Language
  • Identify the increased length limits of data types
  • Configure database for extended data type
  • Understand SQL IDENTITY column
  • Identify SQL Column enhancements defaulting on explicit NULL and using a sequence
  • Identify additional feature available in Data Types such as ANYDATA, and GATEWAY
  • Understand fine grained access controls for packaged procedures
  • Define invoker's rights function that can be result cached
  • Implement ACCESSIBLE BY clause
  • Grant roles to PL/SQL packages and standalone stored subprograms
  • Identify PL/SQL functions that can run faster in SQL
  • Maintain Multiple Partitions
  • Use FETCH clause in SQL queries
  • Gain an understanding of the Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service


Course Introduction

  • Course Objectives
  • Course Agenda
  • Schemes used in this course
  • Classroom account information
  • Overview of SQL Developer 4.0
  • Review the Oracle Database 12c SQL and PL/SQL documentation and additional resources

SQL Language Enhancements

  • SQL Row Limiting Clause
  • Invisible and Hidden Columns
  • Enhanced DDL capabilities using ONLINE keyword
  • Additional features in SQL Language

Data Types Enhancements

  • Increased Length Limits of Data Types
  • Using SQL IDENTITY Column
  • SQL Column enhancements
  • ANYDATA type Enhancements
  • GATEWAY Enhancements

PL/SQL Enhancements

  • What is a White List?
  • Understanding Invoker's right and Definer's right
  • Granting Roles to PL/SQL packages and standalone stored subprograms
  • PL/SQL functions that run faster in SQL
  • Additional PL/SQL Enhancements

Data Warehousing Enhancements

  • Multi partition maintenance operations
  • Review of partitioned indexes
  • SQL for Pattern Matching
  • Overview of Synchronous Materialized View Refresh
  • Improving Query Performance Against OLAP Cubes

Oracle Cloud Overview

  • Introduction to Oracle Cloud & Oracle Cloud Services
  • Cloud Deployment Models
  • Evolving from On-premises to Exadata Express
  • What is in Exadata Express?
  • Exadata Express for Users & Developers
  • Oracle Exadata Express Cloud Service
  • Getting Started with Exadata Express
  • Service Console & Web Access through Service Console


  • Database Administrator
  • Developer
  • Manager
  • Systems Administrator





This course is not associated with any Certification.

Course Benefits

  • Career growth
  • Broad Career opportunities
  • Worldwide recognition from leaders
  • Up-to Date technical skills
  • Popular Certification Badges

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