D88521 - Oracle Service Bus 12c: Design & Integrate Services

This Oracle Service Bus 12c: Design and Integrate Services training takes a use case driven approach to explain the OSB capabilities of connecting, mediating and coordinating the interaction between different applications and services across a variety of platforms, protocols, and interface technologies. Expert Oracle University instructors discuss OSB as a common infrastructure in support of a broad scale SOA initiative.

Learn To:

  • Use Oracle Service Bus 12c to make services interact in a decouple manner.
  • Implement enterprise-quality message flows with Service Bus 12c.
  • Implement message validation, routing, transformation and enrichment.
  • Integrate services with legacy systems.
  • Enable service level abstraction.

Benefits to You: Taking this course will teach you how to use Oracle Service Bus 12c to make services interact in a decouple manner - overcoming the challenges of location transparency, transport protocol mediation, message validation, message routing, message transformation, message enhancement and security in an integration project. 

Duration: 4.0

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  • Implement message validation, routing, transformation and enrichment
  • Integrate services with legacy systems
  • Provide reliable delivery of messages between applications
  • Use Oracle Service Bus and OWSM to secure services
  • Test, debug, and troubleshoot Oracle Service Bus applications
  • List Oracle Service Bus capabilities
  • Enable service level abstraction
  • Describe Oracle Service Bus architecture and functional layers
  • Expose a SOAP service as a REST service


Introducing Oracle Service Bus

  • About Enterprise Service Bus
  • Introducing Oracle Service Bus
  • About Oracle Service Bus and Oracle SOA Suite
  • Describing Service Bus installation and configuration options

Getting Started with Service Bus Applications

  • Explaining basics of WSDL and XSD 
  • Discussing Service Bus components
  • Creating a simple Service Bus application
  • Discussing features for developers

Basics of Message Flow

  • Discussing message flow
  • About context variables
  • About pipeline templates
  • Explaining debugging

Validating Messages and Error Handling

  • Explaining message validation
  • Discussing fault handling
  • Discussing reporting

Transforming Messages

  • Overview of message transformation in Service Bus
  • About XPath functions
  • Using XSLT Mapper to create XSL transformations
  • Using XQuery Mapper to create XQuery transformations
  • Transforming non-XML to XML with nXSD

Routing Messages

  • Overview of message routing
  • About content-based routing
  • About dynamic routing

Enriching Messages

  • Discussing message enrichment use cases
  • Explaining enrichment using Service Callout
  • Describing enrichment using Java Callout

Processing Messages with Concurrent Calls

  • Introducing split-join
  • About split-join patterns
  • About split-join constructions
  • Implementing a split-join

Adapters and Transports

  • About JCA transport and adapters
  • Discussing SOA-DIRECT transport
  • Exposing SOAP-based services as REST services using the REST binding

Reliable Messaging

  • Discussing reliable messaging support in Service Bus
  • About quality of service
  • Discussing configurations for reliable communication

Service Bus Security

  • About security concepts
  • Discussing Oracle WSM security
  • About access control policies

Advanced Topics

  • Discussing principles and best practices of using Service Bus
  • About service result caching and SLA alerts
  • Integrating with MFT
  • About message re-sequencing
  • Describing continuous integration with Maven


  • Architect
  • Developer
  • System Integrator


  • XML Fundamentals Ed 1
  • Working knowledge of messaging, web service and SOA


This course is not associated with any Certification.

Course Benefits

  • Career growth
  • Broad Career opportunities
  • Worldwide recognition from leaders
  • Up-to Date technical skills
  • Popular Certification Badges

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