D81142 - Oracle Database 12c: Introduction for Experienced SQL Users

This Oracle Database 12c: Introduction for Experienced SQL Users training teaches you about Oracle Database 12c. Explore the database environment and the Oracle SQL Developer tool. 

In this Oracle Database 12c: Introduction for Experienced SQL Users training, you learn about Oracle Database 12c, the database environment and the Oracle SQL Developer tool. Expert Oracle University instructors will teach you how to create and manage tables, synonyms, sequences, indexes and views.

Learn To:

  • Describe the Oracle database environment.
  • Use various features of Oracle SQL Developer.
  • Describe and work with the basic elements of Oracle SQL.
  • Become familiar with fundamental database security features.
  • Combine tables using joins and subqueries.
  • Create and manage tables, synonyms, sequences, indexes and views.
  • Implement database security by granting privileges and creating roles.

Benefits to You

By enrolling in this course, you'll deep dive into fundamental database security features. By learning to create and manage tables, synonyms, sequences, indexes and views in the Oracle Database 12c environment, you'll be able to better leverage your technology investment.

Duration: 2.0

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  • Combine tables using joins and subqueries
  • Create and manage tables, synonyms, sequences, indexes, and views
  • Describe and work with the basic elements of Oracle SQL
  • Describe the Oracle database environment
  • Implement database security by granting privileges and creating roles
  • Use various features of SQL*Developer


Course Overview 

  • Course Objectives, Course Agenda and Class Account Information
  • Describe the Human Resources (HR) Schema
  • Identify the Appendices Used in this Course

Understanding the Oracle Database Environment 

  • Understanding the Oracle Database Environment
  • Understanding the Oracle Instance
  • Processing a SQL Statement
  • Understanding Data Flow During SQL Statement Processing
  • Understanding Read Consistency

Using SQL Developer 

  • SQL Developer

Getting Started with Oracle SQL 

  • Basic SQL statements
  • How Oracle SQL treats NULLs
  • Using Pseudocolumns 
  • Using Operators, Expressions and Functions
  • Understanding Data Types and Date Format

Combining Tables by Using Advanced Queries 

  • Subqueries 
  • Update and delete rows by using correlated subqueries
  • Perform joins in Oracle SQ
  • Create a tree-structured report
  • Exclude branches from the tree structure

Creating and Managing Tables 

  • Create and maintain integrity constraints
  • Use the data dictionary to view and maintain information about tables

Creating and Managing Other Oracle Database Objects 

  • Create and maintain indexes
  • Create and maintain a view
  • Create, maintain, and use sequences
  • Create private and public synonyms

Oracle Database Extensions to DML and DDL Statements 

  • Describe the features of multitable INSERT statements
  • Merge rows by using the MERGE statement
  • Create and use external tables
  • Describe transaction processing

Controlling User Access 

  • Discuss the concepts of users, roles, and privileges
  • Create users
  • Create roles
  • Grant and revoke object privileges
  • Create and access database links


  • Database Administrator
  • Developer


Required Prerequisite
  • Experience with SQL
  • SQL Developer 



This course is not associated with any Certification.

Course Benefits

  • Career growth
  • Broad Career opportunities
  • Worldwide recognition from leaders
  • Up-to Date technical skills
  • Popular Certification Badges

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