D80895 - Java SE 8 New Features

This Java SE 8 New Features training delves into the major changes and enhancements in Oracle Java SE 8. You’ll focus on developing an understanding of the basics, then looking at using streams and lambda expressions with collections.

Learn To:

  • Work with the new Java Date and Time API.
  • Use the Nashorn JavaScript engine.
  • Create lambda expressions using the default library interfaces.
  • Use new concurrent lambda features.

Duration: 2.0

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Upon completing this course, the learner will be able to meet these overall objectives:

  • Create lambda expressions using the default library interfaces
  • Create lambda expressions using the proper syntax
  • Use new concurrent lambda features
  • Use the new Date/Time API
  • Use Mission Control and Flight Recorder
  • Use the new Nashorn JavaScript Engine


Module 1: Course Introduction
Module 2: Introducing Lambda Expressions
Module 3: A Case for Lambda Expressions
Module 4: Filtering Collections with Lambdas
Module 5: Using Built in Lambda Types
Module 6: Collection Operations with Lambda
Module 7: Parallel Streams
Module 8: Lambda Cookbook
Module 9: Method Enhancements
Module 10: Using the Date/Time API: Working with Local Dates and Times
Module 11: Using the Date/Time API: Working with Time Zones
Module 12: Using the Date/Time API: Working with Date and Time Amounts
Module 13: JavaScript on Java with Nashorn: Creating and executing shell scripts
Module 14: JavaScript on Java with Nashorn: Writing JavaScript Applications
Module 15: JavaScript on Java with Nashorn: Writing JavaFX Applications Using JavaScript
Module 16: Intro to Mission Control
Module 17: Intro to Flight Recorder


  • Project Manager
  • Java Developers
  • Developer
  • J2EE Developer


  • Java SE 7 Programming
  • Java SE7 Fundamentals



This course is not associated with any Certification.

Course Benefits

  • Career growth
  • Broad Career opportunities
  • Worldwide recognition from leaders
  • Up-to Date technical skills
  • Popular Certification Badges

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