BCSA-BTA-2 - Blockchain Solution Architecture Training

This instructor-led 3 day Blockchain Architecture training is for technical leaders who need to make decisions about architecture, environment, and development platforms.

Duration: 3.0

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  • What is Blockchain?
  • How does Blockchain work?
  • Types of Blockchains?
  • How is Blockchain different from what we have today?
  • What are use cases for Blockchain?
  • What does a Blockchain app look like?
  • How do I design a Blockchain app?
  • How do I develop a Blockchain app?
  • How do I test a Blockchain app?


1. What is Blockchain

  • Blockchain Basic Principles
  • Centralized and Decentralized Ledgers
  • Mechanics of Blockchain
  • What is a Block?
  • How are Blocks Chained Together?

2. How Does Blockchain Work

  • Benefits and Drawbacks of Blockchain
  • Cryptography
  • Public Key Cryptography
  • Cryptographic Hashing
  • Blockchain Consensus
  • Proof of Work Consensus
  • Proof of Stake Consensus
  • Other Consensus Mechanisms Explained
  • Lifecycle of a Public Blockchain Transaction

3. Types of Blockchains

  • Public vs Private Blockchains
  • Open vs Closed Blockchains
  • Open Source Blockchain Projects
  • Blockchain Smart Contracts
  • Tokens and Coins
  • Using Gas in Ethereum
  • “Blockless” Solution Platforms

4. How is Blockchain Different than what we have Today

  • Types of Networks
  • Centralized Networks
  • Distributed Networks
  • Decentralized Networks
  • Software vs Firmware
  • Blockchain vs Database

5. What does a Blockchain Application Look Like

  • Blockchain Application Architecture
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
  • User Interaction Layer
  • Middle/Interface Layer
  • Smart Contracts/Chaincode

6. How do I design a BlockChain Application?

  • Guiding Design Principles
  • Personas (User Types)
  • User Stories (Application Interaction)
  • Application Functional Requirements
  • Application Technical Requirements
  • Design Tasks
  • Fundamental Design Questions

7. How do I develop a Blockchain Application?

  • Fundamental Design Concepts
  • Calling External Contracts
  • Error Handling
  • Pull vs Push Payments
  • On-Chain Data
  • Local Testing Recommendations
  • Not Using Agile Development Process
  • Technology Design Decisions
  • Monolithic vs Modular
  • Complexity Models

8. How do I test a Blockchain Application?

  • Blockchain Testing Approaches
  • Unit Testing
  • Developer Level Testing
  • Configuration & Environment Testing
  • Load/Performance Testing
  • Volume/Stress Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • Application Bug Classifications
  • User Load Testing
  • Key Blockchain Architecture Testing Questions

9. Use Cases for BlockChain

  • Real world implementations of Blockchain







This program contribute towards the preparation of The Certified Blockchain Solution Architect (CBSA) certification

Examination Format :

  • 70 Questions
  • 70% Pass Score
  • 90 Minutes to complete the Exam

Course Benefits

  • Career growth
  • Broad Career opportunities
  • Worldwide recognition from leaders
  • Up-to Date technical skills
  • Popular Certification Badges
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