ATC-PSAPI - Postman and Swagger for API

RESTful APIs (or simply REST API) are everywhere nowadays but at the same time they are getting more complex to get started with: different HTTP methods, headers, cookies, dealing with file uploads or authentication with api keys, tokens, OAuth and so much more. Postman allows you very quickly create a request with the required HTTP method and parameters, submit the request and easily inspect the results. The Open API Specification (often called "Swagger") is currently the most popular way to create definitions of RESTful APIs. With these definitions, you can create sophisticated, auto generated documentation, generate SDKs in several languages, and do automated testing. Swagger is a set of open source tools that use these Open API Specification definition files.

Duration: 2.0

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  • Create GET, POST, PUT, DELETE request
  • Understand GET vs POST request method
  • Work with real-world APIs (Github API, Trello API)
  • JavaScript basics for tests
  • Write API tests in Postman
  • Use data from Excel files (CSV) or JSON
  • Use Postman variables to create workflows and scenarios
  • Run API tests with Newman in Jenkins, GitLab CI or TeamCity
  • Use OAuth2, API keys, tokens, JWT, basic auth
  • Test file uploads
  • Use mock servers
  • Collaborate using Team Workspaces
  • Read and write Open API Specification (Swagger) files to define and document APIs
  • Use Swagger tools to edit files, create documentation, and create SDKs
  • Understand alternatives to Swagger and OAS.


1. Introduction & First steps in Postman
  • Creating with API requests
  • Writing tests & Scripts
  • Writing tests & Scripts using variables

2. Hands-on Practice: Building & Testing an API workflow using Github & Twilio

3. Advanced assertions - Automatically running tests

4. Running Newman with other CI servers/ tools.

5. Workflows & scenarios

6. Data Driven Tests: Running a request multiple times with different data sets.

7. Team Collaboration

  • Mock Servers
  • File uploads (Testing, Automatic uploads, uploading multiple files).
8. Authentication/ Authorization.

9. Advanced topics & user questions

  • New features in Postman
10. JavaScript Fundamentals.

11. Postman news & updates.

12. Bonus Section.

13. Swagger Tools

14. Swagger Hub

15. Alternatives to Swagger and OAS

16.Swagger for a Real World API


This course is targeted towards testing engineers and developers.

  • Anyone who wants to be able to read or write Open API Specification (Swagger) files
  • Project managers
  • Technical writers
  • Technical sales staff
  • Technically skilled managers


Any software developer/tester with knowledge on REST APIs and JSON


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  • Career growth
  • Broad Career opportunities
  • Worldwide recognition from leaders
  • Up-to Date technical skills
  • Popular Certification Badges

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