ATC-JAVA-ENTERPRISE-ED - Java Enterprise Edition

This course offers a full overview and uses cases of JEE along with various Open source projects that can be used in your organization for increasing your productivity. On completion, participants will have a foundation for creating enterprise-ready applications.

Duration: 2.0

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  • How to use Java EE to develop enterprise apps 
  • Understanding of different layers of JEE 
  • Using javaEE with spring framework 
  • Basic understanding of Object oriented programming 
  • Understanding of Various Features like Transaction Support,Clustirng support,SSP. Execution statistics,JMS,Security features 
  • Various server used in JEE 
  • Apache Tomcat and spring hibernate 
  • Basic Understanding of Glassfish,IBM websphere and primefaces and how we can use them in our existing pipeline. 
  • Various use cases of different enterprises using javafx



  • Java vs Java EE 
  • Advantage of using JEE 
  • use cases of Java EE 
  • Scaling up and moving your enterprise


  • Architecture 
  • MVC Architecture 
  • Modified MVC Architecture - Front Controller 
  • Need For Multiple Layers 
  • Layers, Frameworks and Specifications 
  • What is a Distributed System? 
  • What is Coupling? 
  • What is Cohesion?
  • What are Cross Cutting Concerns? 
  • Web Layer of JEE

MODULE 3: Understanding of different layers of JavaEE 

  • Business 
  • Data layer 
  • Integration layer

MODULE 4: Using various portion of JavaEE in your project 

  • Apache tomcat server 
  • Glassfish 
  • Redhat(jboss) 
  • Spring hibernate 
  • IBM Websphere 
  • PrimeFaces for Java server Faces

MODULE 5: Whats new with Java EE 8 

  • Java Servlet 4.0 API with HTTP/2 support 
  • Enhanced JSON support including a new JSON binding API 
  • A new REST Reactive Client API 
  • Asynchronous CDI Events
  • A new portable Security API
  • Server-Sent Events support (Client & Server-side) 
  • Support for Java SE 8 new capabilities (e.g. Date & Time API, Streams API, annotations enhancements) 
  • MVC Architecture

MODULE 6: Planning a JavaEE setup in your organization 

  • Live example of java website and scaling using cloud services.
  • Summary and Closing Remarks


Business managers, decision makers and delegates who would like to know how they can use JavaEE in their organization.


Basic understanding of Technologies


Trainocate Certificate of Attendance

Course Benefits

  • Career growth
  • Broad Career opportunities
  • Worldwide recognition from leaders
  • Up-to Date technical skills
  • Popular Certification Badges

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